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Diary Dates

| Autumn Term | First day of closure Monday 22.07.24 |  Re-opens Tuesday 03.09.24 |

| October Half Term | First day of closure Monday 28.10.24 | Re-opens Monday 04.11.24 |

| Christmas | First day of Closure Monday 23.12.24 | Re-opens Tuesday 07.01.25 |

| February Half Term | First day of closure  Monday 17.02.25 | Re-opens  Monday 24.02.25 |

| Easter | First day of closure  Monday 07.04.25 | Re-opens  Wednesday 23.04.25 |

| May Day | First day of closure  Monday 05.05.25 | Re-opens  Tuesday 06.05.25 |

| Spring Bank | First day of closure  Monday 26.05.25 | Re-opens  Monday 02.06.25 |

| Summer | First day of closure  Monday 21.07.25 | -  Re-opens Wednesday 03.09.25 | 



(For term time only providers - ‘The Department for Education gives the local authority funding for 38 weeks in a financial year. The funded year is April to March. Where a provider is open for longer than the termly funded weeks they should use their discretion on what they do, for example; parents can be invoiced for anything over and above the funded entitlement').


This means there may be 3 weeks throughout the financial year where children with government funded places will be required to pay if they want their child to attend. We notify parents the information on these dates as soon as we know from North Yorkshire Council. Parents will have the option to book their child in.


Inset days (Preschool closed to children for staff training)

  • 02.09.25

  • 06.01.25

  • 22.04.25

  • 21.07.25 & 22.07.25

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